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Attack On Titan 2 Mods: Experience the Story Mode with New Characters and Scenarios


Mods (or Modifications) are programs that alternate how you play on Attack on Titan (Tribute) Game. It is widely popular all over the world to use, as some give amazing and 3D Effects, some add skins and other cool stuff. Though, not just all mods are allowed, some are very abusive and some are friendly. Even if a mod with very friendly modifications but has one or more abusive options will be directly banned.

Abusive mods are not allowed any place within the game, while you are using a mod that has one or more abusive abilities or modifications, you will be banned/kicked from the server, by any chances, you also can be banned by the "Doge Anti-Abuse Bot" which makes you unable to quit or leave.

Attack On Titan 2 Mods

oracleroller23 Jan 31st 2023 at 11:22:22 AMChanged line(s) 525 (click to see context) from:** [[spoiler:Gabi]] also shows signs of** [[spoiler:Gabi]] also shows signs of this.this, which makes sense given that she was designed as a counterpart to Eren. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Noneoracleroller23 Jan 31st 2023 at 9:38:30 AMChanged line(s) 498 (click to see context) from:* DeathGlare: Mikasa gives a super creepy one to Reiner and Bertholdt when Reiner [[spoiler:just comes out and tells Eren that the two of them are Titan Shifters, too. In fact, Eren and the others had already suspected this and were trying to lure the two of them to a secure underground location where they could be imprisoned and questioned, but weren't expecting Reiner to just flat-out ''tell'' them without prompting. When Reiner decides to just grab Eren and run, Mikasa attacks the two of them with a look of pure, unrelenting ''fury''.]]to:* DeathGlare: DeathGlare:** Ymir gives one to Bertolt after she reads some ancient language on a can of fish, [[spoiler: which reveals to him that she's from outside the walls.]]** Mikasa gives a super creepy one to Reiner and Bertholdt when Reiner [[spoiler:just comes out and tells Eren that the two of them are Titan Shifters, too. In fact, Eren and the others had already suspected this and were trying to lure the two of them to a secure underground location where they could be imprisoned and questioned, but weren't expecting Reiner to just flat-out ''tell'' them without prompting. When Reiner decides to just grab Eren and run, Mikasa attacks the two of them with a look of pure, unrelenting ''fury''.]] Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Noneoracleroller23 Jan 31st 2023 at 9:36:23 AMAdded DiffLines:* DidntThinkThisThrough: In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea for the [[spoiler:Warriors to say that they all came from the same town. That way, if one of their cover's was blown, they'd all become suspicious, which is exactly what happened after Annie is revealed to be the Female Titan.]] Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Noneovskii Jan 28th 2023 at 7:09:40 AMChanged line(s) 443 (click to see context) from:** The Female Titan's primary method of attack is stomping people to death, which is considered humiliating by those who witness it. [[spoiler:Annie later does this in her human form, almost killing someone by stomping their** The Female Titan's primary method of attack is stomping people to death, which is considered humiliating by those who witness it. [[spoiler:Annie later does this in her human form, almost killing someone by stomping their face.face repeatedly.]] Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Noneovskii Jan 28th 2023 at 7:08:04 AMChanged line(s) 441 (click to see context) from:* CrueltyByFeet: * Levi ''exploits'' this trope [[CruelToBeKind to save Eren from execution]]. When Eren's about to be shot during his trial, Levi starts ''savagely'' kicking him and even stomping on his head, which shocks everyone into demanding that he be left alone. [[LampshadeHanging Levi questions why everyone is so upset when they were just about to have the boy shot.]] [[BigSisterInstinct This doesn't make Mikasa any less outraged by Levi's cruelty]], especially as [[ForcedToWatch she has to watch the brutal assault and can't stop it without making things worse for Eren.]] See more on that* CrueltyByFeet: * CrueltyByFeet: ** Levi ''exploits'' this trope [[CruelToBeKind to save Eren from execution]]. When Eren's about to be shot during his trial, Levi starts ''savagely'' kicking him and even stomping on his head, which shocks everyone into demanding that he be left alone. [[LampshadeHanging Levi questions why everyone is so upset when they were just about to have the boy shot.]] [[BigSisterInstinct This doesn't make Mikasa any less outraged by Levi's cruelty]], especially as [[ForcedToWatch she has to watch the brutal assault and can't stop it without making things worse for Eren.]] See more on that below.below.** The Female Titan's primary method of attack is stomping people to death, which is considered humiliating by those who witness it. [[spoiler:Annie later does this in her human form, almost killing someone by stomping their face. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Noneovskii Jan 28th 2023 at 7:05:01 AMAdded DiffLines:* CrueltyByFeet: * Levi ''exploits'' this trope [[CruelToBeKind to save Eren from execution]]. When Eren's about to be shot during his trial, Levi starts ''savagely'' kicking him and even stomping on his head, which shocks everyone into demanding that he be left alone. [[LampshadeHanging Levi questions why everyone is so upset when they were just about to have the boy shot.]] [[BigSisterInstinct This doesn't make Mikasa any less outraged by Levi's cruelty]], especially as [[ForcedToWatch she has to watch the brutal assault and can't stop it without making things worse for Eren.]] See more on that below. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: NoneSorietei Jan 19th 2023 at 10:28:24 PMAdded DiffLines:* BloodierAndGorier: The Final Season is a lot more violent than the previous 3 seasons. An example of this can be seen with the injuries the titans sustain as The Final Season removes all traces of smoke whenever a titan is decapitated or dismembered and shows them pouring fountains of blood after receiving just a scratch. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: NoneGosicrystal Jan 11th 2023 at 5:20:24 AMChanged line(s) 153 (click to see context) from:* ArmchairMilitary: Averted by Commander Erwin. He rides out with his Survey Corps on its expeditions and when we finally see him in combat, it's clear [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking he's not commander for his tactical genius alone]].to:* ArmchairMilitary: Averted by Commander Erwin. He rides out with his Survey Corps on its expeditions and when we finally see him in combat, it's clear [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking [[AsskickingLeadsToLeadership he's not commander for his tactical genius alone]].Changed line(s) 176 (click to see context) from:* AsskickingEqualsAuthority[=/=]ThePeterPrinciple: Only the best students are allowed to join the "prestigious" Military Police Brigade that guards the innermost Wall and the King. Therefore, the most skilled, in training anyway, soldiers are placed in a position of authority farthest from any actual fighting, while those less capable are more likely to be on the front lines. This situation is actually well known, and most who hone their skills high enough to be able to get the position were doing so just to be placed in a safe life. Eren bitterly notes the* AsskickingEqualsAuthority[=/=]ThePeterPrinciple: AsskickingLeadsToLeadership: Only the best students are allowed to join the "prestigious" Military Police Brigade that guards the innermost Wall and the King. Therefore, the most skilled, in training anyway, soldiers are placed in a position of authority farthest from any actual fighting, while those less capable are more likely to be on the front lines. This situation is actually well known, and most who hone their skills high enough to be able to get the position were doing so just to be placed in a safe life. Eren bitterly notes the disconnect. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Asskicking Equals Authority has been renamed. If Erwin is the commander because of his strength, then it's Asskicking Leads To Leadership. Also, don't list more than one trope per bullet point.PurelyForACOFAF Jan 6th 2023 at 11:47:18 AM Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: NoneDevinMeenan Nov 4th 2022 at 9:49:09 AMChanged line(s) 258 (click to see context) from:** The volume release expands on the final chapter. [[spoiler:Things get better and then they get worse. While Mikasa mourned Eren and kept the red scarf, Mikasa was able to start a family (implied to be with Jean, which also implies that the Survey Corps were able to return home safely) and died peacefully as an old woman. Paradis thrives and develops into a modern city until it (or Shiganshina at least) is destroyed and abandoned in an unspecified war. An unknown amount of time later, the tree that Eren was buried under grows into the [[HistoryRepeats same tree that Ymir fell into, left alone to be discovered by a young girl...]]]]to:** The volume release expands on the final chapter. [[spoiler:Things get better and then they get worse. While Mikasa mourned Eren and kept the red scarf, Mikasa was able to start a family (implied to be with Jean, which also implies that the Survey Corps were able to return home safely) and died peacefully as an old woman. Paradis thrives and develops into a modern city until it (or Shiganshina at least) is destroyed and abandoned in an unspecified war. An unknown amount of time later, the tree that Eren was buried under grows into the [[HistoryRepeats same tree that Ymir fell into, left alone to be discovered by a young girl...boy...]]]]Changed line(s) 550,551 (click to see context) from:* DownerEnding: Any given arc is going to end with a pile of bodies, at least one failed military objective, and people questioning the worth of it all. Save perhaps for [[HopeSpringsEternal one little item]] that might promise a better future.** [[spoiler:The series ends with 80% of humanity slaughtered by Eren's genocide, which does nothing to stop the cycle of hatred between Paradis Island and the rest of the world. Some time after Paradis is finally carpet-bombed into submission, another girl finds the Tree of Yggdrasil and the cycle is implied to continue.]]to:* DownerEnding: DownerEnding: ** Any given arc is going to end with a pile of bodies, at least one failed military objective, and people questioning the worth of it all. Save perhaps for [[HopeSpringsEternal one little item]] that might promise a better future.** [[spoiler:The series ends with [[spoiler: The expanded epilogue of chapter 139 turns the original publication's open, BittersweetEnding into this. Eren's rumbling slaughters 80% of humanity slaughtered by Eren's genocide, which and in the long-run, it does nothing to stop the cycle of hatred between hatred. Decades after the story's conclusion, war again comes to Paradis Island and Shiganshina, if not the rest of the world. Some time after Paradis whole island, is finally carpet-bombed into submission, another girl and laid to waste. Decades after that, a child wanders through the ruins and finds the tree Eren was buried under. The tree has grown into a Tree of Yggdrasil Yggdrasill identical to the one Ymir fell into, implying a new generation of Titans will be born and the cycle is implied to continue.will continue in perpetuity.]] Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: NoneDravencour Nov 3rd 2022 at 12:46:06 PMChanged line(s) 284 (click to see context) from:** Early on in the series, Mikasa kills a Titan to save a group of people from getting run down, in the very first time a Titan has gone down in-story. [[spoiler:At the end of the series, Mikasa is also the one to make the ''final'' Titan kill in the series, namely Eren himself, in order to stop the Rumbling and end the age of Titans upon the earth]].to:** Early on in the series, on, Mikasa kills a Titan to save a group of people from getting run down, in the very first time anyone has killed a Titan has gone down in-story. in the series proper. [[spoiler:At the end of the series, end, Mikasa is also the one to make the ''final'' Titan kill in of the series, namely Eren himself, in order to stop save humanity from the Rumbling and end the age of Titans upon the earth]]. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: NoneDravencour Nov 3rd 2022 at 12:42:19 PMAdded DiffLines:** Early on in the series, Mikasa kills a Titan to save a group of people from getting run down, in the very first time a Titan has gone down in-story. [[spoiler:At the end of the series, Mikasa is also the one to make the ''final'' Titan kill in the series, namely Eren himself, in order to stop the Rumbling and end the age of Titans upon the earth]]. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Noneamathieu13 Sep 27th 2022 at 9:12:12 AMChanged line(s) 298 (click to see context) from:* TheBreakfastClubPosterHomage: One obviously non-canon piece of art, used as the cover of the October 2018 ''Bessatsu Shounen Jump'', reimagines the characters as high school stereotypes and poses them similarly to the poster. The aloof Mikasa (something like a Goth) is Allison, the cocky Jean is Bender, the Nerdy Armin is Brian, the burly Reiner (a jock) is Andrew, and the high-status Krista (a cheerleader) is Claire. to:* TheBreakfastClubPosterHomage: One obviously non-canon piece of art, used as the cover of the October 2018 ''Bessatsu Shounen Jump'', reimagines the characters as high school stereotypes and poses them similarly to the poster. The aloof Mikasa (something like a Goth) is Allison, the cocky Jean is Bender, the Nerdy nerdy Armin is Brian, the burly Reiner (a jock) is Andrew, and the high-status Krista (a cheerleader) is Claire. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Nerd is now a redirect to an index per TRS decisionShamusAran Sep 4th 2022 at 3:10:41 PMAdded DiffLines:* EarthAllAlong: [[spoiler:A map reveals that Paradis Island is actually Madagascar, and the empire of Marley spans Africa, Europe, and at least parts of South America.]] Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: NoneSynchronicity MOD Aug 25th 2022 at 8:36:56 AMDeleted line(s) 440,441 (click to see context) :* CryCute: Mikasa in Episode 8, after she finds her brother alive. ** In Chapter 48, [[spoiler:Bertolt]] is a villainous example of the trope, combining it with TearsOfRemorse to powerful effect. Is there an issue? Send a MessageReason: Cry Cute is a disambig nowShowing 15 edit(s) of 587 2ff7e9595c

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