On May 10th, Social Security will release our top 10 baby names list for 2018. This popular list includes names for girls and boys. You and your clients can see which names are growing in popularity around the nation. This is a perfect opportunity for your clients to visit our baby names page at www.socialsecurity.gov/babynames and familiarize themselves with our resources for families.
Next month, Social Security will release our top 10 baby names list for 2017. This popular list includes the names of both girls and boys; you and your clients can see which names are growing in popularity around the nation. This is a perfect opportunity for your clients to visit our baby names page at www.socialsecurity.gov/oact/babynames and also familiarize themselves with our resources for families.
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Toward midnight,when the frolic was at its height, an unexpected visitor announced himself. It was UncleJake Norris, who lived on the far side of the mountain. The fiddler waved his bow atUncle Jake, and the boys and girls cried "Howdy," as the visitor stood beaming andsmiling in the doorway. To these demonstrations Uncle Jake, "a chunk of a white man witha whole heart," as he described himself, made cordial response, and passed on into thekitchen. The good-humour of Mr. Norris was as prominent as his rotundity. When he was notlaughing, he was ready to laugh. He seated himself, looked around at the company, andsmiled. 2ff7e9595c